
2013 European weightlifting championships

Here are the so far uploaded videos of the 2013 European weightlifting championships.

Layout of the links is:
Link to results of weight class: video to snatch - video to clean and jerk


56kgSnatch - Clean and Jerk
62kgSnatch - Clean and Jerk
69kgSnatch - Clean and Jerk
77kgSnatch - Clean and Jerk
85kgSnatch - Clean and Jerk
94kgSnatch & Clean and Jerk
105kgSnatch & Clean and Jerk
+105kg: Snatch & Clean and Jerk


48kgSnatch - Clean and Jerk
53kgSnatch - Clean and Jerk
58kgSnatch - Clean and Jerk
63kgSnatch - Clean and Jerk
69kgSnatch & Clean and Jerk
75kgSnatch - Clean and Jerk
+75kg: Snatch & Clean and Jerk

For all the live stream fun you can check http://www.allthingsgym.com/2013ewc/

Starting young

Little guy doing really well :). "Ingrain good movement patterns early for success."

How to improve popularity of weightlifting?

This page shall help to bring the community of weightlifters and fans together to brainstorm how popularity of this sport could be improved.

Check it out and like it on facebook.

First post there is this video: